Thursday, March 6, 2014

Up Coffee is one company's solution for America's caffeine addiction.

How addicted are you?

Americans don't sleep enough: according to the CDC, 35 percent of adults report they get less than the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Jawbone today is launching an app that tries to tackle one of the biggest reasons we don't sleep — caffeine. Up Coffee is an app that lets you track how much caffeine you consume in coffee, soda, and other foods, and shows you how it will affect your sleep.

The home screen of the app has a large beaker that fills up with beads as you log the caffeinated things you consume. The library of foods and beverages is fairly comprehensive, including fancy frappuccino drinks and basic sodas like Diet Coke.Throughout the day, the amount of caffeine in the beaker will deteriorate in real time as it leaves your body — but log that extra cup of coffee you drank mid-afternoon, and it will spike again. Just using the amount of caffeine you take in, the app tells you how "wired" you are and when you're safe to go to sleep without the caffeine affecting you. There's also a view that shows you how long it takes for your body to expend all the caffeine, and it's sobering to see that even the smallest amount could take an entire day or more to leave your system.

The information from Up Coffee will feed into revamped Insight Reports, which will be available on the update to the Up app released in the coming weeks. The update adds more Today I Will cards, as well as more comprehensive Insight Reports that are tailored to each user — so after wearing the Up band for 30 days, it will have enough data to tell you that for every 30 minutes earlier you go to bed, you take 800 more steps per day.

To enable an app like this, Jawbone's data team has been collecting information from Up users about sleep and the common behaviors surrounding sleep. Now Jawbone's vice president of product management and strategy Travis Bogard says that the company is focusing on how it can help people understand that data and act on it. "We want the hardware design, the software design, and the data to work in concert to help people achieve their goals," Bogard says.

And that's what could set Jawbone and the Up ecosystem apart from other fitness trackers, if users continue to play along. Bogard says that not only are people opening the Today I Will cards, but they also screenshot them and share them over Twitter and other social media outlets. While Bogard doesn't have a percentage for this engagement, he did say that they are seeing success with Today I Will: for a recent sleep-related challenge, those who opted into the commitment logged 23 more minutes of sleep than average and were 72 percent more likely to go to bed early and hit their sleep goal. Considering how basic most of the current Today I Will cards are, this means that people are finding those bits of extra knowledge useful — and hopefully as they share them with friends and family, they're also acting on them to better their health.

Source: CDC; Jawbone;

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