Thursday, May 8, 2014

Vloggers Set Guinness World Record for # of Selfies Taken in One Hour!

Source: thatgeekdad 

While I am not a particular fan of the single selfie (just of yourself or the dreaded mirror selfie) I am a huge fan of the duo or group selfie because it is a reminder, a timestamp, of the wonderful time you had or having in your life.  Anyone alive now who participates in mobile technology have the biggest opportunity in history to catalog for their kids, grandkids, and great grandkids who they were, where they went, and what were some of the happiest, sadness, and life changing in their lives.  That being said...

Vloggers (video bloggers who choose to record their history or thoughts with video instead of written word) Mark E. Miller and Ethan Hethcote of YouTube participated in the #missionsmile campaign by hitting up Miami Beach in their attempt to set the Guinness World Record for number of selfies taken in a single hour!

The guys set a record of 355 selfies with another person! Holy crap! The Official Guinness World Records adjudicator, Kimberly Partrick explains:

“The way this works is it’s not just one person taking photos of themselves, but they have to have a different person in each photo that they take. The challenge is about getting engagement from the crowd wherever you are.”


Source: YouTube; Guiness World Records;