Friday, January 30, 2015

Kidz Bop is Bringing WHAT Back?!

Source: YouTube/Kidzbopkids

The popular kids music series may have messed up real bad!

I can’t speak for other nations, but as an American, it’s hard to NOT have heard a Kidz Bop song at some point in your life. For those of you who don’t know what Kidz Bop does, they take the current “greatest hits” on the radio and get a bunch of kids to sing them, making them “kid friendly.” For example! Take a listen to one of their newest releases, their version of All About That Bass:

I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass…I’m bringing…WHAT THE HECK? WHAT DO THOSE KIDS SAY THERE?

If you listened, around 1:28, it TOTALLY sounds like “I’m bringing ANAL back!” It’s a pretty wide consensus. Just search Kidz Bop on Twitter and you will see a nationwide trending topic.

Because “anal” is SO much better than “booty.” Now apparently, what they’re actually singing is “I’m bringing IT ALL back!” but let’s be honest. It sounds like anal.

Well done Kidz Bop. Your G-rated song just went full on NC-17.

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