Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Comcast insults another customer, changes woman's name to Super Bitch

Comcast's customer service employees are making a habit of giving cable subscribers bad names. Not long after one man received a bill addressed to "Asshole Brown," another Comcast customer has been insulted by way of the monthly bill. This time, Mary Bauer picked up the title "Super Bitch" after repeatedly calling the company to try and resolve problems with her cable reception. Bauer turned to Comcast for months in hopes of fixing the service disruptions and degraded picture she was experiencing. Thirty-nine technicians visited her home over a six-month period to get things working, and ultimately Bauer said they made things right.

But then, for seemingly no reason, her bills stopped showing up in the mail; with no paper record, Bauer instead started calling the customer service line to inquire about how much she owed each month. "I was little hot and a little angry because I never got good service," Bauer said of those phone calls. And though she was aggravated, Bauer told Chicago's WGN that she steered clear of cursing at or otherwise berating Comcast's representatives. Fast forward to this month, when Bauer finally did receive her monthly physical bill, and she was stunned to see her new nickname. "This is a disgrace to me," Bauer told WGN. "Why are they doing this to me when I pay my bills? I do not deserve this." No customer does, obviously, and Comcast says it's reaching out to her about the embarrassing situation.

What can the company do to address its ongoing problem? Sure, it could introduce a few extra steps before employees are allowed to change the name on your account — perhaps supervisor approval. But the main thing Comcast needs to do is fix its flawed customer service policies, which often pit agents against the customer in a desperate bid to prevent cancellation. Customers shake off the "deals" that Comcast pressures its employees to offer, and in turn some of those spurned reps apparently decide to take revenge by altering the "customer name" field.

Source: WGN

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