Friday, July 22, 2016

Marvel and Netflix show off first teaser trailer for 'Luke Cage' at SDCC

Marvel and Netflix gave San Diego Comic-Con, which kicked off Thursday, its first major reveals: the trailer for Luke Cage and a teaser for Iron Fist. Having made his debut on one of Marvel’s other Netflix series, Jessica Jones, Mike Colter (whom Good Wife fans will know as Lemond Bishop) plays Cage. The trailer lets us see Cage, a.k.a. Power Man, a.k.a. the man with unbreakable skin, in action.

Marvel aficionados who tuned in to Jessica Jones will be familiar with a bit of Cage’s backstory: His wife was killed, and he plans to avenge her. That means, according to the trailer, lowering the boom on some street-level bad guys.

The best bit of the trailer is watching Cage use his superpowers. Like Daredevil’s acrobatics or Jessica Jones’s unbridled strength, Cage has his own style of fighting — meant to show people what happens when they get in the way of an unstoppable force. The result: fight scenes that almost have a jaunty sense of humor about them, Cage plows through bad guys like they're bowling pins.

Luke Cage debuts on Netflix on September 30.