Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Want a SNES Classic? Here is how to pre-order one.

The least-stressful option for acquiring the Super NES Classic Edition is to preorder it. Nintendo has promised that its latest mini console will be easier to find than the notoriously limited, and now discontinued, NES Classic. But that doesn’t mean you’ll find the new console collecting dust on store shelves. Nintendo has committed to shipping the Super NES Classic from its release in September until the end of 2017. Nintendo, perhaps more than any other video game company, knows the power of scarcity. Expect resellers to grab as much inventory as possible, and flip the consoles for ludicrously inflated prices on eBay and Craigslist.

Yes, if you want a Super NES Classic at retail price, take our advice: preorder far in advance.

Even snagging a preorder won’t be easy. Nintendo hardware preorders have gone fast for the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3D limited editions. The trick is to know where the preorder pages are before they go live. It’s also helpful to have somebody that can give you a heads up, that way you don’t spend the next few days (or weeks) hitting refresh on a Best Buy product page.


Toys R Us, Target, and GameStop are also likely to offer preorders, though their product pages haven’t been published yet.