Monday, November 6, 2017

An iOS bug won't let some users type 'I'

Some Apple users with devices running iOS 11.1 are finding that typing the letter “I” autocorrects to an “A” with a unicode [?] symbol instead. Reddit user TheCravin documented the bug and said that Apple’s predictive keyboard feature suggests a random character like “A,” “#,” or “!” followed by the unicode symbol, and then automatically replaces the “I” unless the user takes corrective action. TheCravin noted however, that when trying to copy the autocorrected text, the paste corrected the text back to “I.” The bug seems to affect iMessage and other apps including Twitter and Instagram as well.

A temporary work around for this is:

  • Go into Settings
  • General
  • Keyboard
  • Text Replacement
  • Make the Phrase "I" and make the shortcut "i"

Apple says the bug is affecting devices including the iPhone, iPad or iPod touch that have updated to iOS 11.1. Not all users have been affected by the bug though. Apple is reportedly working on a fix.

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