Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Young YouTuber's video shows off iPhone X from inside Apple’s campus (UPDATED)

You’ll have to wait until November 3 to get your iPhone X (if you’re lucky), but plenty of Apple employees are already carrying one. The YouTube video below provides a hands-on look at one of those devices from within Caffé Macs at 1 Infinite Loop.

With just 87 subscribers, Brooke Amelia Peterson isn’t exactly one of YouTube’s biggest vloggers. But thanks to her father, who works at Apple and already owns an iPhone X, her channel could be about to fetch a lot more attention.

Peterson has published one of the first previews of an iPhone X in the wild. Her video, embedded below, provides around a minute of hands-on time with the device (start at 2:10). We get to see the Home screen, apps, the camera, and Animoji in action.

They’re all things we’ve seen before, but they look even more spectacular in a real-world setting. iPhone X’s edge-to-edge display looks glorious in the hand. Its software seems incredibly smooth and snappy, and that swipe gesture to return to the Home screen is beautifully intuitive.

There are some interesting tidbits to take from this clip. It seems Apple has placed shortcuts for the flashlight and camera inside iOS 11’s new Cover Sheet, as well as on the lock screen. You will also notice a “Welcome to iPhone X” notification from the Tips app.

UPDATE: Original video was taken down by the young YouTuber, probably because Her Dad works at Apple and Apple was not pleased.

It’s also interesting that even some Apple employees are still referring to the company’s latest handset as “iPhone ex,” rather than “iPhone 10.”

The video was filmed inside Caffé Macs, a café inside the Infinite Loop campus where guests are permitted. It’s not clear what Peterson’s role is at Apple, or if his superiors would approve of an early hands-on video with his iPhone X. But we’re certainly not complaining.

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